What are Deals on Terms in Real Estate?

Real Estate Deals on Terms are transactions aimed at transferring possession and/or ownership of real estate property by detailed agreements which address and satisfy very specific necessities, goals and expectations of both Sellers and Buyers, as parties in the transaction.
Unlike conventional transactions, which have very few moving parts and negotiable items, deals on terms are much more flexible and better address several objectives, as higher selling prices, higher proceeds’ retention, faster sales, tax advantages and more on the sellers’ side, easier financing, quicker moves, better choices, tax savings and more, on the buyers’ side.
Therefore they are very specific to the deal, the property, the parties, the market and the situation in general and they cannot be based on a ready-made agreement taken off-the-shelf with minimal adaptation.
They require experienced real estate operators, including RE investors, brokers, attorneys and others, to provide the benefits to sellers and buyers. Relevant background or experience is a critical requirement to design custom agreements. Contracts have to be drafted properly and these deals need to be made easily acceptable and understandable by those parties who, instead, have little or no experience.
They are based on simple concepts, almost never new, but the implementation requires expertise that not all in the industry can have.
On this website are real estate investors who are not accepted without a reasonable track record and have access to each other to share resources and experiences which are all extremely valuable due to the specificity of these custom deals.
This type of investors is called “Investors on Terms“, a network of which is built and is expanding around DealsOnTerms.com. The goal is to provide the best chances of the smoothest deals, even in very particular circumstances or tough challenges, or to get the most out of a deal compared to an expensive conventional deal.
DealsonTerms.com also offers aggregate listings of real estate properties offered on terms, but not only, including more traditional listings.
Deals on terms do not work in every situation, but a good investor will find a solution alternative to a traditional sale with an improved outcome.
The bottom-line is that it’s always worth looking into an alternative Deal on Term to properly evaluate and compare multiple scenarios and solutions to make the best, informed and rational decision with regards to the most important asset owned by many home sellers’ and considered by home buyers’.
Find out if and in what way a Deal on Terms offers a better solution and you could be in for a pleasant surprise…